The title is opposite to the funny video below. Watch it first and maybe you'll feel same way like i did, which was: a bit dizzy and overwhelmed.
Lips Of Babel - MOTILO from lessname on Vimeo.
That's how I feel sometimes after a whole day of being with people, talking either face to face or by phone and just generally living in the city. I'm a social person and love to meet new people, see my friends and family and be in contact with people - I'm a people person. For me the best way to learn about myself is through others. But! I need my own space, silence, to charge up my batteries every now and then. Sometimes only for one hour after a day at work or sometimes for a weekend at our summer cottage. If I don't take (was about to say "get" but actually it is my own choice so decided to go for "take" instead) my own time, just to be, I get easily irritated, absent minded and generally out of balance.
I was adviced by many people that I've been talking to since coming back from the trip to start doing regular meditation or yoga practice after waking up. It's been hard to change into another rhytme and rutine but I've been trying to do at least 10 min's meditation every morning and so far it has worked out well! I feel I'm much more "in myself", much more concentrated and focused than just waking up and rushing to the day. So, maybe you could try this short meditation too for a week and see how it works for you:
Find a clean, quiet spot at your appartment or out in the nature, where ever you feel like doing the meditation. Sit in a comfortable, steady position and close your eyes. Listen to your breathing, feel it in your body. Observe it, don't judge it or your thoughts and feelings. If you start to get lost in your thoughts, guide your consciousness back to your breathing.
Feel the inhale go up in your spine from the tail bone all the way to your neck and the top of your head. Exhale leads it down through your spine back to your sitting bones, to the tail bone. Feel the breathing flow up and down. When you've found your own rhytme of breathing, guide your breathing to your toes. Feel them. Go your whole body through like this from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, feeling each part and energizing them with your breath.
And remember to smile! You'll feel happier through the day when you give yourself a nice start for the day so remember to breath, smile and eat well, good nutritious food that looks and tastes good.
Have a nice weekend peeps! xxx
Lips Of Babel - MOTILO from lessname on Vimeo.
That's how I feel sometimes after a whole day of being with people, talking either face to face or by phone and just generally living in the city. I'm a social person and love to meet new people, see my friends and family and be in contact with people - I'm a people person. For me the best way to learn about myself is through others. But! I need my own space, silence, to charge up my batteries every now and then. Sometimes only for one hour after a day at work or sometimes for a weekend at our summer cottage. If I don't take (was about to say "get" but actually it is my own choice so decided to go for "take" instead) my own time, just to be, I get easily irritated, absent minded and generally out of balance.
I was adviced by many people that I've been talking to since coming back from the trip to start doing regular meditation or yoga practice after waking up. It's been hard to change into another rhytme and rutine but I've been trying to do at least 10 min's meditation every morning and so far it has worked out well! I feel I'm much more "in myself", much more concentrated and focused than just waking up and rushing to the day. So, maybe you could try this short meditation too for a week and see how it works for you:
Find a clean, quiet spot at your appartment or out in the nature, where ever you feel like doing the meditation. Sit in a comfortable, steady position and close your eyes. Listen to your breathing, feel it in your body. Observe it, don't judge it or your thoughts and feelings. If you start to get lost in your thoughts, guide your consciousness back to your breathing.
Feel the inhale go up in your spine from the tail bone all the way to your neck and the top of your head. Exhale leads it down through your spine back to your sitting bones, to the tail bone. Feel the breathing flow up and down. When you've found your own rhytme of breathing, guide your breathing to your toes. Feel them. Go your whole body through like this from the tip of your toes to the top of your head, feeling each part and energizing them with your breath.
And remember to smile! You'll feel happier through the day when you give yourself a nice start for the day so remember to breath, smile and eat well, good nutritious food that looks and tastes good.
Have a nice weekend peeps! xxx
Good text Hanna! Meditation <3
Kirjoituksesi ovat inspiroineet minua selättämään migreenin ja stressin, kiitos siitä! Joogasali kutsuu ja meditaatiosta on tullut jälleen osa päivittäistä harjoittelua. Vihlovaan kipuun voi suhtautua lempeämmin. Miten hienovaraisista asioista hyvinvointi on kiinni: rakkaudesta, rentoudesta ja avoimuudesta. Luottamuksesta siihen, että parantava voima löytyy meistä jokaisesta.
ReplyDeleteThank you, kiitos for the comments! Ja ihana kuulla, että näitä tekstejäni luetaan ja jos ne kaiken lisäksi vielä inspiroivat johonkin/jossakin - mahtavaa jee! Tekstit syntyvät, jos ja kun, ja ovat tajunnan virtaa, hölpötystä aiheista, jotka ovat itselleni ajankohtaisia, tärkeitä ja läheisiä ja ne nousevat jostain, tarvitsevat kanavan, mistä suodattua ulos.
ReplyDeleteJa oma terveys, sekä fyysinen että henkinen on niin tärkeä aihe, koska monet - itsenikin aiemmin mukaan lukien - ulkoistaa oman hyvinvointinsa muille ja luulee normitilan olevan "hieman raihnanen". Tähän sitten haetaan apua lääkkeillä, jotka joskus ovatkin kohdallaan ja aiheellisia, mutta monesti olisivat aika helpostikin hoidettavissa itseensä tutustumalla, kysymällä "mistä tämä nyt tulee ja minkä takia". Mieli ja keho ovat erottamattomat tällaisten ongelmien ratkaisussa, joten hoitamalla molempia - sekä kehoa oikeanlaisella fyysisellä harjoituksella että mieltä kohtaamalla omat ajatukset ja tunteet - voisimme säästää itsemme monilta lääkekuureilta ja suurilta ongelmilta.
Olen päätynyt elämässä kolmen R:n sääntöön, 3R: Rehellisyys, Rohkeus ja suurin niistä Rakkaus. Rehellisyys itseään ja muita kohtaan, Rohkeutta kohdata asiat niin kuin ne ovat sekä Rakkaus kaikessa, etenkin itseään ja sitä kautta muita, Elämää kohtaan.
Ihanaa viikon alkua! Lisää tekstiä pukkaa pian...! x