

Yei my one week holiday started today, yippee! We took a train to our cottage after waking up and now we're enjoying silence and beautiful nature far away from busy cities. Tomorrow morning first I'll swim in the lake and then do some yoga with my mom. Later I'll just take sun and read books - can life get any better!

I just hope that tomorrow we won't find any dead mouses from our kitchen. They had eaten a hole to the dog food package and torn out the food so now my parents have set some traps to the cupboards to catch the litte devils. I would prefer some more peaceful way of capturing them but I don't think I have any word in this case. Well, tomorrow we'll see the results. Be safe, little ones! Go eat somewhere else!

Here's my summer plan - I will:

Dress & earrings, Indiska. Hat, a gift. Shades, apparently my brother's friend's that I "stole". (+ shoes, Converse.)

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